I have been struggling to finish a book I started some time ago. Having sleepless nights and full days, I have been going to bed pretty exhausted. Even so when I lay down in bed I grab my book and try to read more before I'm forced to close my eyelids. This has caused me to read the same paragraph over and over for the past 4 nights. But of course it is no coincidence that it is focused on a topic that I know is under construction. You see, God knows what He is doing. He always has known what He was doing in my life. Everything that man has intended for bad in my life, God has turned around for good and given me an incredible testimony.
This instance is no different. I know I need to read and re-read this passage until it not only makes sense but actually takes hold of my mind. I want to be renewed, transformed completely.
'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.' Romans 12:2
I have never been happier, more 'centered', more peaceful, or more victorious than when I am seeking God. So I'm looking forward to unpacking what this means in my life. I'm a little nervous because I realize it will take digging deep to purge insecurities but I know that God will replace my incompetence, insecurities and failures with His grace, power and victory.
I'm sure I will have a blog post about that too.
Awesome post Kayla. I have been struggling with finding God's purpose for my life and I know has for my life. I just need to ger over my fear and lack of confidence. Your post was exactly what I needed to encourage me to keep moving in the right direction.