Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An accurate list

I could make a list of things that I like. it would include some things like sunshine, coffee, roses, sweatpants, playing soccer, watching football, accoustic music, chocolate, back rubs and so many more. I could definitely brag about my daughter. I have done that in several posts and will continue to do so as she amazes me in a new way everyday. I could tell you things I don't like. Included but not limited in that list would be things like mustard, being cold, guys who sag their pants too much, being tickled, paper cuts, running, crude jokes, the smell of popcorn, uncomfortable clothes and again, so many more. I could make a list of the places I want to visit or live. I could easily shout out who I admire and why. I could document my goals and the progress I've made. I could make a list of  the character traits that I want in a future husband. I could write down bad habits I want to erase or good habits I want to form. I could list the books I want to read.  From all of these lists you might be able to form an opinion about my personality. But would it really give you an accurate description of me? 

I took a quiz online earlier revealing that based on my personality I belong in the state of Georgia. What does that even mean? It asked me questions like:

Are you an extrovert?
Do you consider the feelings if others?
Is your life organized?
Are you easily angered?

I had to seriously put thought into each question. I wonder what the result would be if an acquaintance took the test about me. Or a stranger or a friend or file member. Would we all get the same results? Would someone that just met me say that I strongly consider the feelings of others? Would my friends say that i am moderately dependable?

Thinking about this brings to mind this passage in James: 

James 2:14-17, 26 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. 

Do my actions display my love for Jesus? Do my responses show my confidence in who I am in Christ? Do people see a difference between me and the world? Do I reflect kindness and compassion or does the world see something different?

To me its like an enchanted two way mirror. Is what I see the same image that the person on the other side sees?

Some things to ponder...


  1. Great post Kayla. I've often wondered how people see me and if they can tell I am a lover of God. Until recently I think the answer to that question was no. I am guilty of having faith in words, not action. I would say I have faith then throw my so called faith to the side and fix my problem myself. I hope that people can see the changes I'm making in my life and hopefully it will encourage them that its never to late to truly follow God.

  2. I love this post!! What a good reminder and what good things to ponder. Thanks for sharing.
