She is 28 lbs and really tall. I know that's not a measurement but she easily fits in both 2t and 3t clothes. She has big feet, size 8! Her hair is the perfect sandy strawberry blonde color. It is getting longer but she still has a mullet.
She loves to play outside and run with the boys but tonight wanted to wear this tutu to be a 'peenchess'. :)

She loves to 'bead' (read) and 'pay' (pray) before bed. She loves to have her 'beebee' (blanket) to sleep in mommy's 'big bed'. She hugs random people in random places and tells them that they are 'petty' (pretty). She loves her school and her best friend is a little boy named Jojo. All her stuffed animals are named Jojo or Jane. She points things out to me by saying watch or see? She loves to dance and will talk on the phone if she is in the mood.
She is a HUGE cuddle bug and definitely mama's little girl. I love every minute. She loves to brush her teeth...all the time. She is a very picky eater. She loves shoes and shopping and drawing. She loves to swim or anything that has to do with 'wabee' (water) i.e. drinking fountain rains, swimming pools, sinks, bath tubs, puddles. She loves to drive under the freeway or under bridges. No matter what she is doing she stops and says 'ooo wow' and gets excited.
Common phrases:
-Ant bite. Not nice.
-He/She's sad. (Which then she tells me that she wants to buy them a hat and shoes and juice to make them happy again)
-see ya gator!
-bye guys! (Instead of just bye bye)
-i 'an ju (I want juice)
-you peenchess. I peenchess. (Meaning princess. Then she dances)
-stop...shhhhhh (when I ask her too many questions when we are learning)
-'tahnkyou Jesus men-men' (thank you Jesus amen)
I'm sure there are tons more but that is what came to mind.
I know I talk about her all the time. I just want to remember everything. I just want to remember what she says and how she looks and smells. What she likes and doesn't like. How she makes me feel. How she interacts with others. I want to soak it in and remember every moment. I want to create memories that she will never forget.
If something ever happens to me I want her to know that there was no one on this earth that I loved more than her.
My little heartbeat.
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