I'm eating celery. Its green and nasty so it must be good for me, right? At least that's what I was thinking. So I set out on a mission...well not really. I pulled up Google on my phone. I searched 'health benefits of celery'. The first thing I read is that its 95% water. That was enough for me! Aha! I don't have to eat this nasty stuff! I can just drink a glass of 100% water which is refreshing and delicious instead of eating this nastiness. But then I kept reading. It contains a ton of fiber and this article's author was so sold on celery that he said it should be a staple part of your daily diet. So I'm eating a little peanut butter with it to help choke it down.
In Mark 9:14-29 there was a boy who was possessed with demons. The disciples were not successful casting the demons out of the boy and the father of the boy was getting desperate and upset. The father asked Jesus 'if' he could heal his son and Jesus replied that He is able to do anything if he would have faith. The father cried out to Jesus saying 'I do believe! Help me with my unbelief!'.
I googled celery to disprove its benefits but found out that it is super good for you.
The father prayed for the demons to come out of his son but Jesus tended not to just his son but to him and his unbelieving heart.
I wonder what else I'm doing/questions I'm askingfor hat just completely miss the picture.