Wednesday, March 26, 2014

YOLO, right?

I'm not eating kale and tofu the rest of my life. I'm just not. It's impossible for my brain to wrap around the idea that coffee and chocolate are not nectar directly from heaven meant for my enjoyment. It's too sweet, too perfect not to enjoy. Billions and billions of people have not only survived but lived wonderfully happy lives without psycho-analyzing every ingredient they ingest. Do I want take care of my body as my temple? Yes. Do I want to live a long, healthy life with energy? Yes. Because I want these things, I'm not sitting on my butt all day stuffing my face with Oreo's and slurping whipped cream from the can. I like being active. I want to lose weight. I want to live a long healthy life to be able to see my great grandchildren run around me. I have one life. I'm going to enjoy it.

I've seen this article going around the social media circles about the ingredients in pizza. This beautiful and intelligent woman went on a search to find the real ingredients in pizza and exposed various pizza businesses for their lies and secrecy. 

Jesus, come quickly before all the good food is banned!


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