Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day One, you have been conquered

My Journey: Day One

If you aren't aware of the journey I'm on and why, check out this blog post here. It will all make a little more sense. Enjoy, and thank you for stopping by!

I will not give you my starting weight and measurements because I am mortified to do so. That being said, here is the start:

6:00am- Good Morning. I got 6 hours of sleep. Oh crap I was supposed to be up and moving 30 minutes ago. Where is my coffee? Where are my clothes? Why does nothing fit me anymore!? 

6:30am- I should be leaving for work now but I woke up a little late and I still hadn't taken my before pictures or logged any weight. I begrudgingly wrote down my weight and measurements in my journal. Surely I wasn't as big as what I had to write down. Maybe the scale was broken. Yep, that had to be it. I will say this, taking pictures of your unsatisfactory body is much easier and more enjoyable if you wear something comfortable. Comfort is key.

6:35am- I cried my eyes out and had a ridiculous body shaming session in front of the mirror. i don't know why girls do that to themselves. It's not like its going to make me feel any better about my body after I scrutinize every curve, stretch mark or area I deem problematic. Yet still on a daily basis, more a moment by moment basis, only negativity is thrown at my body like a thick acid rain singeing every part of flesh it touches. I have created more scares and wounds by shaming the scars and wounds I already have. One is of the heart and one is of the body, so which one is worse? I should choose to live peacefully with my outer flaws having confidence in my inner beauty. Instead I burn holes through any shred of confidence I may contain and reduce what could be beautiful to ashes.
It makes me think of the studies I've read and seen about the effect of spoken word on a physical object. In this one study (that of course I can't find online now), a man had two objects; one he spoke kindly to giving encouragement and one that he told he hated. The one who was loved flourished and the one who was hated declined rapidly. I wonder if my thoughts and words have the same effect on my body as those objects. And furthermore I wonder if really believing that you love your body instead of just saying it outloud would make that much of a difference. Hmmm.

7:30am- I may be the only person in the world who doesn't really enjoy Spark. Nevertheless, I still mixed that Watermelon Advo crack in my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles travel mug and chugged it in between two stoplights on my way to work. If you have to drink something less than desirable, a fashionable mug or cup will surely help the process. This is why I bought a new blender bottle for my meal replacement shakes. It won't leak and is super cute! Black and pink is chic! And honestly, the Spark really wasn't even that bad. It's not a Dr. Pepper, but it wasn't gross.

9:00am- I can't find my beautiful blender bottle. BOO. First world problems...

10:00am- I still can't find my blender bottle. It might be at home. Either way I have to keep going. Fiber Drink, Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake and OmegaPlex pills for breakfast! I tried to have breakfast a little earlier but things got crazy at work. 
The Fiber Drink, Peaches and Cream flavor, wasn't as bad as I expected. But maybe that is the key. Maybe I set the bar so disgustingly low because of everyone else's reviews that it had room to surprise me. Ha! The replacement shake and OmegaPlex definitely filled me up. Those along with the fiber drink is 20oz of fluid chalked full of protein, vitamins, and fiber! I really was in shock that I had to drink this much but when I really thought about it, I realized that it totally makes sense. A 20 oz soda isn't even considered a "large" anymore. It's typically a "small" or "regular" and people drink their whole srink, eat their meal and sometimes get refills. So it really isn't that big of a deal to drink that much fluid. Especially since that is my whole meal when I was never a breakfast-eating person to begin with. The OmegaPlex doesn't take up too much room but it's hard to swallow huge horse pills (there's 2 of them) when you are already full! And that's not just a normal full from eating a normal meal. It's a REALLY full from having just chugged two different types of drinks. Bleh. But i know this will pay off so I'm sticking to it.

11:30am- Took three Catalyst pills. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

1:00pm- I ate a grilled chicken caesar salad that was delicious! It was refreshing and light and wonderful to actually have real food that I could chew. They put way too much dressing; but I usually ask for dressing on the side and I didn't this time so it was my fault. I also had a banana. It was too ripe for my taste buds to really enjoy is but I survived. SO DON'T PANIC, OKAY?!

2:30pm- Three more Catalyst down. Done and done. 

7:00pm- Dinner time finally! After picking the sweetness up from daycare, stopping by the store for more fruit and veggies, and cooking, it is finally time to eat! I baked some chicken and ate broccoli and squash. It was delicious. I made enough for lunch tomorrow too so I am fully prepared. Preparedness is key! I took my OmegaPlex with dinner and the sweetness thought it was candy. I chuckled a little at the thought of her sticking them in her mouth to find out that they are definitely not candy. She wasn't disappointed for long because I gave her some of a frozen smoothie, oh excuse me I mean ice cream, for dessert. So she got over it. 

7:30pm- I was craving something sweet so after I took my catalyst, I had a small portion of grapes and strawberries. They were fresh and delicious and perfect for my craving! Well almost perfect....I would have loved if those strawberries were dipped in chocolate!

9:30pm- Oh my word those Herbal Cleanse pills have to be worse than the Fiber Drink itself! Nasty. But again, I survived.

10:00pm- Goodnight world. I shall endeavor on another healthy mind, healthy soul, healthy body journey in the morrow.

Recap of the day:
I miss coffee, but I feel good. Surprisingly, I didn't have a caffeine headache which I was fully prepared to counter. I'm thankful for that!! I didn't go to bed feeling heavy and exhausted like I normally do. I actually wrote a little in my journal for a couple minutes before laying down to go to sleep. I did however have to pee right as I laid down but that is the beauty of drinking 84oz of water today. Day One, you have been conquered. 

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