Thursday, March 20, 2014

There for the Taking

Discovering Delight
Removing the covering of the delight that is already in the foundation of our existence. We are created in His image, His likeness. We have delight embedded in our very genetic makeup. We just have to remove the layers to uncover His goodness in us.

Peel back the layers of
fear of failure
fear of abandonment
hurt feelings
approval from others

Our happiness rests in our power of letting go of the things that are not eternal and trusting God.
Are you hurt by a past of horrible things done or said to you? Of course it matters and there is a process for healing, but the process will go a LOT faster if you let go of the things that another wounded human said to you and value the things that the Creator of the Universe speaks over you.

You are loved.
You are cherished.
You are chosen for a specific task.
You are talented.
You are beautiful exactly as you were created.
You are enough.
You are redeemed.
You are free from guilt and shame.
You are set apart for something greater.

Flee from temptation that takes you away from who you are supposed to be
If you aren't strong enough to fight against negativity in the moment, then run for your life to the truth and repeat it over and over and over until you believe it.

Like Matt Chandler says, "It's ok to not be ok, but it's not ok to stay there."

There is joy and delight hidden in you already. You just have to uncover it. It's an available resource that you aren't tapping into.

The water in your home has been paid for, but you aren't turning on the faucet.
God paid the price by sacrificing His Son for you, but you aren't living.

Live. Seek for Joy and LIVE your life.

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