Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blinking Blinker -31DC1

Blink, blink, blink, blinkblink, blinkblinkblink. Curse you, blinking cursor.

I can't stare at this blank page anymore. This feeling of blah when I open the page needs to go back to whatever black hole it came form. Where is the spunk? Where is the inspiration? Why can't I continue writing my cliffhanger? Where are all the funny stories? What is the pause in my brain from expressing my thoughts? How do I have so much going on and yet no way of explaining it?

A challenge will do the trick...maybe. I'm gonna stick it through. I can do anything for just 31 days. The full list of the challenge can be found here.

Today is supposed to be an introduction. Welcome. Welcome to my blogging brain space. I am not solely responsible for what ends up here. I'm just transcribing the madness that occurs up top. I can't begin to count the number of times I actually have to go back and re-read my posts because I really can't remember what all happened during my blogging minutes. Also what could contribute to this is the other 37 things that are usually going on at the same time. 

If you continue reading past this, I applaud you in your weirdness. I promise, good things are to come. 

I'm gonna start a riot.
I'm gonna fan the flame.
I'm gonna make some noise.
I'm gonna woo some hearts. 
I'm gonna change the rules.
I'm gonna break the barricades.
I'm gonna cross the line.
I'm gonna make mistakes. 
I'm gonna triumph over the enemy.
I'm gonna wage a war. 
I'm gonna eat a lot of chocolate.

Come start a fire with me...

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