Friday, June 20, 2014

5 Min Fridays! #firstworldproblems

Five Minute Fridays - Write for 5 straight minutes whatever is on your mind with no surplus of time spent editing or proof reading. 5 Minutes is the minimum, max is up to you and your creative juices.

Ready, set, go!

As I was late to get Sweetness from daycare, the combination of working mommy guilt and the effects of a frustrating day had my mood less than chipper. I powered on the radio and started the drive to the daycare. I called Mr., who is always so attentive and supportive, so he let me vent a little. When I got off of the phone, the burning in my chest had increased so that I was sure steam was visibly coming out of my bright red ears. I saw it on tv as a kid so it must be true. Talking about what frustrated you when you are still frustrated seems to have that effect. Wearing my Shane and Shane shirt, I turned up my Shane and Shane cd (I'm a dedicated fan, ya know). The sweet lyrics instantly started softening my heart in that gentle way that only the Holy Spirit works; a soft whisper or a peaceful breeze. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and mentally hashtagged my outlook on the situation #firstworldproblems. 

This is a generic hashtag that has grown in popularity. I would love to assume it is a helpful hashtag that raises awareness of poverty or contributes to creating a more grateful generation but I fear it has only served as an excuse so that guilt doesn't overcome whatever #firstworldproblem we are dealing with. This is obviously not the case all the time so don't bunch your britches. 

Coming back from my slight digression, the simple fact is my bad day is a menial first world problem compared to the problems that some of my dear friends have experienced in India and the Dominican Republic this past week. My five minutes is up now so I will just leave you with this-

Life is too precious to waste your emotions on things that don't matter. In my experience you have two options when facing difficulty: 
Change your situation or change your attitude. 

So I'm choosing to change my attitude and take on Saturday with a heart of gratitude. Who know's if I will succeed, but I'm going to try.

Please pray for the DR and India! Many lives were changed and many seeds were planted so we ask for more of God, always more. That He would pour out His Spirit and awake them to their thirst. Also for safe travels for the teams back to us stateside!

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