Friday, June 13, 2014

5 Min Fridays! Low blow, bro.

Five Minute Fridays - Write for 5 straight minutes whatever is on your mind with no surplus of time spent editing or proof reading. 5 Minutes is the minimum, max is up to you and your creative juices.

Ready, set, go!

I was stung by a yellow jacket today. Random, I know. It made me think of a memory many moons past. My little sistercuz, Allie, and I were building a fort in the words behind our house in Florida. Rustling in the woods, I felt a sharp pinch and saw the little stinger on my forearm. She asked me what was wrong and I just screamed for us to run. Some got caught in my hair and clothes which resulted in stings all over. I don't think we played in those woods for a long time after that. I shudder thinking about it even now. 

I can't be mad at them because I was in their territory. I stepped on their house. I stirred their peace. I entered their normalcy and created chaos. They didn't respond in the correct way but it was my mistake to begin with. I understand them. Their great great great great great great grand kid that got me today had no excuse. I didn't disturb him at all! He was in my warehouse and came up behind me and stung my back! Low blow, bro. 

On a happier note, this picture below captures some of my favorite things about today! My ring which proclaims my commitment and devotion to the one my soul loves, my necklace given to me by aforementioned fiancĂ© for Mother's Day (so sweet!), my super shades that protect even my peripheral vision, and a Friday evening spent grilling burgers with my beautiful Sweetness and darling Mr. 

This weekend I will be intentional.
Intentional about making memories
Intentional about creating a culture of honor
Intentional about resting in the sweet Spirit of The Lord. 

Happy weekend!

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