Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bested by 10am

"Are you understanding what I'm saying?"
"Yes, but I-"
"I can explain it a hundred more times if you'd like."
"No, that's not necessa-"
"The back order column will show the back orders because you see how it's labeled BACK ORDER?"
"Yes, I understand how the invoice works. The problem wasn't-"
"Ok well then I don't understand what the problem is?"
"I just wanted to touch base with you about the-"
"Well you can just email me next time. I'm busy actually doing work instead of bugging people."
"I didn't mean to bother you, I apologize. I was told-"
"Well thank you for wasting my time."

Well then. I love my job. I love my job. I love my job. I wasn't even calling about back orders? I didn't get the question I really needed answered. My boss still needs an answer from me. As soon as I put the phone back on the hook, an employee walks in clearly irate:

"You need to fix this now."
"Good Morning -employee name-, how are you doing today?"
"Well not good."
"Ok, how can I help you?"
"I said already you need to fix this now or I don't know what I'm gonna do"
"Well first, calm down. I can help you. What is the problem?"
"You took money out of my account."
"That's not legal or possible, so now, how can I help you?"
"Money is missing from my check. See here!?"
"Well, that's tax. Everyone has to pay that."
"Well that's too much! And what is this?!"
"That's child support."
*Instantly calms down*
"Oh well then, ya know I was just wondering. Ya know, to make sure that, um, everything was right. Thank you for your help today, miss kayla."
"You're welcome."

Big sigh of relief. Golly, what in the world is wrong with people today?
Coworker walks in as employee is walking out:

"I need the PO's and the Sales Orders to go with the trailer order."
"Wait, what?"
"Pay attention. Are you listening now? I need you to do this for me real quick."
"Ok, what PO do you want."
"The one with the order I placed yesterday."
"I have a stack of PO's and sales orders here and I have no idea what you did yesterday. Can you be a little more specific?"
"I will just do it myself."
And they storm out.

Ok 10am, you've bested me with your emotional wit. You win this round. I still have 7 more hours to make this a great day.

Either way, God is good, people need Jesus and I need patience!

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