Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Writing Obstacles

I love to write. I was so ready to enter the blogging challenge for this week and it's already Wednesday with no posts. There are definitely enough topics to write about. All of the ideas swimming in my head, plus all of the experiences I have and people I converse with on a daily basis equal a ton of subject matter. So what are my obstacles?

Time and Space

Would you like to borrow my 2.5 yr old? After working a full day, cooking dinner and hanging out with her, I am exhausted and enjoying a little down time with the Mr. if I can before heading to bed. In other words, I am pretty much tired or busy all the time. So taking a moment at work to write is best. Even if I did have the energy to write all the time at home, there is the issue of space.

I don't have a computer or internet at home so if I don't write the blog post at work, I have to manage to write the post on my phone. It's horrid. First world problem? Yes, I know. But it is still difficult to see the big picture, find typos and make sure that the whole post is connecting and flowing easily. When I agree to jump into the next week's blog challenge, I already assume that I'm not going to get a post in on Saturday or Sunday because unless I already have something cooking, it's just hard to start from scratch and text it on my phone.

I really do love writing. I have full faith that my situation a year from now will be different enough to allow me more time and adequate space to write as much as I please. For now I will write when I can.

Now I am going to go put some more effort into finishing that cliffhanger! Don't get too excited because I have no idea what I'm doing!

These are my excuses. What's your excuse?

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