Friday, January 3, 2014

The Mommy Shower

You know those days where you get to turn on the hot water in the shower and let the bathroom heat up with the door closed?
You know those quiet 10-20 minutes you get to let the hot water wash over you as you enjoy the silence or whatever music you enjoy and the warmth of the water?
You know that feeling of wrapping a warm towel around you as you leisurely dry off?

If you answered yes, you either have no small children that live in the house or you have a spouse that actually helps you with the kids. 

For the rest of you reading, I'm sure you will empathize with me concerning my shower yesterday. 

Me: sweetness, do you want to take a shower?
Sweetness: no. Watch show?
Me: that's perfect. Ok stay here while mommy jumps in the shower really quick. 
*turn on Barbie Magic of Pegasus for the 82nd time*
Me: stay here, watch the movie and mommy will be right back. 
*look at the clock...11:17 am*
*turn on the shower as I get in. Step in cold water and begin washing my hair and face at the same time.*
Sweetness: mommy, milt? Chochet milt?
Me: watch your movie babe I'll be out in a minute
Sweetness: Otay.
Sweetness: mommy
Sweetness: mommy?
Me: what, sweets? 
Sweetness: not works
*look down to see her opening the shower curtain trying to give me the tv remote*
Me: ok, please go sit down and I will fix it. 
Sweetness: here's your phone mommy?
*handing me my phone in the shower*
Me: thank you. Please put it on the counter. 
*wash the rest of me very quickly and turn off the water right as it decides to get hot. Step out into cold air and quickly dry off and throw my hair in the towel.*
Sweetness: mommy, it works, see?
*see that her movie is working just fine.*

*Look at clock.........11:21 am*

Silver lining:
My skin is exfoliated from scrubbing so hard and fast. 


  1. Haha...I'm sorry! I understand so I just don't shower...ha. Xoxo

  2. Your post made me laugh!!!! Thankfully my little guy still sleeps in a bit so if I'm good about getting up early, I can have 15 minutes to myself :) But I feel like this every time I have to use the bathroom!!
