Saturday, May 31, 2014

Will you marry me?

Knock knock. 
There he was, my handsome Mr., standing at my door with a hot cup of coffee. It's not hard to be happy when he is around, especially when gifting me with coffee. I can't function on four hours of sleep as well as I used to. 

He took my hand and led me down the stairs. We got in the truck to head to our secret location. I knew we were going to see the sunrise, but I wasn't sure where. I didn't want to spoil any surprises so I just held his hand, sipped my coffee and enjoyed the light starting to show through the clouds. We arrived at the Kemah Boardwalk where he led me to a blanket set out with roses just for us. At the edge of the boardwalk, we could see water for miles, birds looking for breakfast, and joggers out for an early run. One of the ladies of the joggers cried out 'now THAT is how a guy is romantic!' We laughed as I agreed and heard another woman telling the men to 'take notes, boys.'  

It was a little cloudy which created a sunrise with varying shades of blue, grey, and yellow. Truly beautiful. 

After moments with him that I will cherish forever, I heard the words I have been waiting to hear for what seems like forever. 

'Will you marry me?'
I said, 'yes, yes. A thousand times yes.'

Thank you to Cody for taking the creeper pics from the bushes and Kendra for letting us use your house for celebrating. 
Thank you Garza family, Aunt Tammy, Mimi and Pa, and all our friends for helping make the day so special! 
Thank you Corrie for watching Ryot so all of this could happen. 

My life is more wonderful with all of you in it!

Thank you, God, for answering my prayer far greater than I could have imagined. I'm so looking forward to a beautiful future with Jacob and Ryot! 

I love my life!


  1. Congratulations!!....:):)
    Wish u guys all the happiness and fun!...and a marriage full of undying love!!

  2. I'm so excited for you!! And what a thoughtful proposal :)
