You cheated.
You stole something that wasn't yours.
You lashed out in anger.
You cursed.
You neglected him, her, them.
You messed up.
You lost track of time and made too many mistakes and now you don't know which way is up or how to get back to whatever was supposed to be normal. You feel like your drowning. You can't breathe. It's all too much. You can't handle it.
You don't have to.
I know this man who lived a perfect life. Instead of gloating or holding our failures over us, He took the punishment. He took the blame. He took the guilt. He took the abandonment. He took the shame. He took the lashes. He paid the penalty, the fee, the fine. He stepped in your place, willingly. He wasn't forced against His will. He wasn't conquered by some force stronger than Him. He set aside His strength to be poured out as an offering for the sins that had been committed, were being committed, and would be committed by us for many, many years after.
Why? Because of love. It's that simple. He loved you. He took His time to create that birthmark, those freckles, your crazy hair, knobby knees, brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, hazelgreyishgreenishyellowish eyes. Because He loved you. He smiled as he swirled those curls and laughed as he gave you that cute little sneeze. He delighted in your quirks and clumsiness. He proudly gave you that passion for leadership or the contentment of quiet. He cherished you enough to make sure that you didn't have to pay that awful price for your decisions. He protected you. He lovingly covered you so that all the accusations pierced Him instead.
The price was paid. Past tense. It was finished, then because of His love for us, and through the incredible power of the Spirit, He didn't stay dead. He rose. The grave couldn't contain Him. He lives. He is alive and thriving today with an open hand stretched out to you. All you have to do is accept it. Take a step.
He offers you freedom.
What are you waiting for?
He offers you freedom.
What are you waiting for?
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