Thursday, March 14, 2013


I like learning new things. I like finding new organizations that I believe in. I like seeing funny pictures, reading inspiring stories and watching thought-provoking videos. I like being caught off guard by words of wisdom, encouragement or accountability when I need them the most. Ok, the accountability one might not fit in the "like" column all the time but in the long run it is definitely a plus.

I crave intellectual stimulation. I like crazy moments of nothing. I like napping. I like watching a stupid movie every now and then. But when I get done doing these stupid things, I almost always feel a twinge of sadness. Sadness that I could have been doing something that was meaningful. Here are some things that inspire me and/or I like:

Rockstar Ronan - The story of Maya, a spit-fire power house momma of three sweet boys and little Poppy girl on the way. She lost her third son, Ronan, to Neuroblastoma when he was just 3 yrs old. She writes with such raw emotion and so fearless that it is impossible to not be changed after reading her blog. Maya writes with honesty, holding nothing back. Ronan's fight for his life, his spicy spirit, his beautiful eyes and this incredible story of love, family and cherished moments are definitely life-changing, awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping and tear-jerking. So totally worth it.

You can learn more about Neuroblastoma and Ronan from The Ronan Thompson Foundation.
Here are three of many facts that you can find on the website here.
  • Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer in children.
  • Nationally, childhood cancer is 20x more prevalent than pediatric AIDS. Pediatric AIDS receives 4x the funding that childhood cancer receives.
  • The American Cancer Society spends less than 70 cents of each 100 dollars raised on childhood cancer.
These are our children, our nieces and nephews, our siblings, our friends that we are talking about. Please help us Paint the White House Gold this September. We really need to raise awareness for childhood cancer to get the funding and care that these precious babies deserve.

Maya and Woody are just some of the many parents trying to survive the horrible grief and pain of losing a child that I can not even imagine. Through reading Maya's blog, I found an incredible soldier for grieving parents everywhere, Dr. Jo, who I will talk about next.

Dr. Jo Cacciatore, Center for Loss and Trauma - Dr. Jo is mentioned very often in Maya's blog. She has been instrumental in not only Maya's life and grieving process, but to everyone she encounters. She has a heart for people that makes mine look like stone. Her holistic approach to life and healing give her the spark that I think the world is craving. She, like Maya, is going to move mountains.

Dr. Jo started The MISS Foundation in 1996 and the The Kindness Project in 1997, which I think EVERYONE should participate in. (find out how here!) The MISS Foundation highlights the acronym C.A.R.E.S.
  • Counseling
  • Advocacy
  • Research
  • Education
  • Support
And The Kindness Project is a really great way to put meaning behind being kind and thoughtful. It's easy to walk by something that needs to be done. But if you have Maya's son Ronan or Dr. Jo's daughter Cheyenne on your mind, doing something kind for other people takes on a new meaning. You are brightening someone else day because your life was brightened by that special spirit. You are doing something kind because those kids will never have the chance to. You are stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different because it is nowhere near the battle that these kids go through with cancer and other trauma. Please check this amazing woman out. She will change your perspective.

Ryot News - This website is self-described as such: "Everyday we turn to news outlets to get reports of recent events or learn previously unknown information. Up until now, news has been all about "What's going on in the world?" RYOT lets you know "What's going on in the world and how YOU can be a part of it." RYOT is the only news outlet bringing you updates as they happen and letting YOU become part of the story. With RYOT, you 'Become the News.'"

Am I a little biased and excited that it also happens to be my daughter's name? OF COURSE! I mean, get a look at this bundle of awesomeness! My little riot of a Ryot. :)

Project Jubilee - The International Justice Mission is nationally known for "stopping slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression. They rescue. They defend. They counsel. They educate. They prosecute. They pursue change on every level to stop systems and cycles of abuse." My dear friend, one of my beloved momma's, and my on-fire sister in Christ, Lisa Tuttle, made it a passion and goal to fund one of these rescue missions. She speaks of it in her blog here.

IJM, Project Jubilee and Lisa are all working towards making a difference in the defenseless and abused. These rescue missions may be the only source of hope, love, and support that these adults and children receive in their life. For only $4500, we are creating a safe haven for, (Lisa says it best) "Someone with no power to free themselve could have a new life that doesn't include abuse, exploitation, or oppression. We could make that happen for someone. Maybe a lot of someones."

Plus she has purple hair, which just makes her way more worth listening to. ;) Check out Project Jubilee and make a difference. Check out IJM and get involved. Read Lisa's blog and laugh, cry and be challenged every day of your life. She really is an amazing someone.

Back to Africa and Heart of the Bride - Back to Africa is self-described best "The Back to Africa (BTA) Project is focused on providing a fair wage to vulnerable widows, orphans, and refugees (our partners) in communities throughout Africa. Proceeds from the jewelry sales are sent directly to Africa and used to support our orphan ministries through Heart of the Bride." Heart of the Bride is self-described as "Heart of the Bride was established in 1998 as a non-profit organization dedicated to helping provide for the needs of orphans around the world. Our primary mission is to Share From Our Abundance With Those In Greatest Need."

Some of my close friends and family have dedicated their time, resources, hearts and ultimately lives for this calling. They are reaching the hearts of the street kids in Zambia helping to teach, guide, shelter and love.

Fuel Freedom - This is a more recent discovery. I can't quite say it is a passion yet because I do not know much about it. Rasied in Israel, Eyal Aronoff co-founded the Fuel Freedom Campaign and is primarily focused on energy and philanthropy. You can read about Replacement Fuels here. I think his logic and arguments make sense and I am looking forward to seeing how this unfolds. But like everything it needs funding and awareness in order to be heard. Why don't you check it out and let me know what you think? 
These are not all of the things that I am passionate about...just some ideas, people, foundations, causes, etc. that have popped in my head. However, I can't seem to forget about a certian blog post I read by the all-famous, previously mentioned Lisa, titled Be It. This particular post is really a challenge issued to people like me. I have this passion and drive to help others, but what am I doing about it? Well, I'm writing this blog hoping that someone will read it and help me create awareness.

Yes, but what am I DOING about it?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world", right? 


  1. You rock in about forty-zillion ways. :)

    1. Oh goodness, I try to rock, but paper always swallows me up. :) Thanks.
