Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Don't make me guess

One day my mom was there.

The next day she wasn't.

Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to take way too many pictures.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to tell those around you that you love them.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to not go to bed angry.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to be able to laugh at yourself.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to be honest.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to go ALL OUT.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to tell those around you that you miss them.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to hug and be affectionate.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to make memories.
Maybe that's why I feel it's so important to live each moment like it was your last.

Because it just might be.

I can smile and say hi from a distance, but that won't help me remember what you smell like or feel like in my arms.
I smell thisand I remember my mom.
When I receive a big huge swallow-me-up hug, I always think of my Granny. She gives the BEST hugs! Or when I see or hear a reference to Dr. Mario. haha There is no greater champion then that woman! I don't know how she does it. I have the best Granny in the whole world. That is a memory we made that will stick with me forever.
People that spend a lot of time together start to get in that rut of taking each other for granted. When Ryot was first born I got to spend a couple months working from home. I was all in new baby bliss but I would have given my left arm just for a meaningful conversation with an adult. I was going stir crazy just being home with Ryot. I loved every little thing she did. Every coo, burp, yawn, sigh, movement. I was in awe. I have been in love with that little girl since I very first heard her little heartbeat 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. She is perfect. (picture moment!)

Awwww she is just so perfect and precious and I love everything about her. But if I'm being honest, I had moments of wanting to pull all my hair out! Like this:
haha oh goodness that's funny right there.
Anyway, long blog short, there were moments that I took that down time with my sweet angel for granted. Now that I work full time, I really really appreciate every second I get with Ryot. But why is that? Why does something have to be taken away for us to appreciate it? I loved every minute I got with her before and I don't think I could EVER get enough time with her to satisfy my craving, but I do know that I miss her even more now that I only get a limited amount of time with her.
What is this "absence makes the heart grow fonder" crap? I really hate that sentence. Just appreciate what you have.
Don't make me miss you. Spend time with me.
Don't make me wonder if you love me. Just tell me you love me.
Don't make me sit there begging for your attention. Let's make memories.
Don't under appreciate the things I do for you. I try really hard to be a kind, loving and thoughtful person.
Same thing with your friends, kids, parents, etc.
Life is short. I'm here now writing this blog. I might not be here tonight. I love you. All who are reading this. I love you my friends and family and dear darlings.
I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try really hard to give life and love everything I've got. I wish I had one more moment with my mom. I wish I could tell her that I love her. I wish she could meet Ryot. I wish I could ask for her motherly advice and hear her stories. But because of my mom I have this crazy appreciation for these things called life and love.
Don't keep the people in your life guessing. Say "I love you" too much. Give big hugs. Do something special for the people in your life. Make a point to spend quality time. Not just in the same room breathing the same air, but quality time.
It's the little things in life that go a long way. Don't be afraid to love and fall in love.