Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I hate the rain.

There are so many people in the world that love the rain.
I have many friends who love the rain.

I do not love the rain.

I remember when playing softball or soccer in high school I would love for it to start raining. It meant that we had an extra challenge and that we got to get muddy. BUT then the officials would call the game because it was 'too dangerous'. Rawr. Frustrating. And outdoor events? Forget it. Ruined. Outdoor weddings, picnics, going to waterparks, sporting events...ruined because of the rain or lightening.

Here are some rare instances that I like the rain:

Jumping in puddles with Ryot.
            After some time, you have to go back inside and get dry and warm, and then I'm ready for it to stop raining.
If I am in Florida with my best girls and we are running crazily through the rain pretending we are 5 yrs old and having a blast.
            But again that lasts for maybe an hour or two and I'm ready for it to not be raining anymore.
Dancing in the rain.
            Cliché I know, but hey, I'm a hopeless romantic. But then again, you can only dance in the rain for so long before I'm ready for it to not be raining anymore.
            But I have a toddler. When am I ever going to get to take a nap?
Watering the earth.
             Yes I know it's necessary....I just wish it could rain while I was sleeping at night so that I can have the sunshine during the day.

I think that's about it. So with that being said, I plan on NEVER living in the following places: (stolen from this website)

  • Mobile, Ala.: 67 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days 
  • Pensacola, Fla.: 65 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • New Orleans, La.: 64 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • West Palm Beach, Fla.: 63 inches average annual rainfall; 58 average annual rainy days
  • Lafayette, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 55 average annual rainy days
  • Baton Rouge, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Miami, Fla.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 57 average annual rainy days
  • Port Arthur, Texas: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 51 average annual rainy days
  • Tallahassee, Fla.: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Lake Charles, La.: 58 inches average annual rainfall; 50 average annual rainy days

  • Yes, I realize that Pensacola, FL is number two on that list. I might move close, but I hope to never live there. I can't stand rainy days!

    One thing I will say, however, is that rain definitely helps me to appreciate the sunshine more. I love the sunshine. Most people get annoyed when they get in their car and the sun is shining in their eyes so bright that they can't see, but I love it. This may make me sound crazy but I feel like the sun is just one of my special little ways of communicating with God. I feel the sun on my face and the warmth and I can't help but smile because I know that God is present. I know that God is present all the time, but the sun is like a little reminder or an embrace. It's like God is smiling on me and it gives me great joy. I feel rejuvenated and excited. I soak it up. He is there, surrounding me, wrapping me in his light. It is a little escape, if only for a few minutes, to the feet of my Abba Father. It is a feeling of complete happiness and serenity. For me, the sun creates pure joy.

    I would be perfectly happy to live in a place where it never rains. But maybe, for me, that is exactly why rain exists in my life.

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