Thursday, December 18, 2014

Max or Min?

Looking for daily prompts to promote constant writing? Check out many inspiring prompts posted daily here. When you click the link, it will take you to the prompt that inspired me to write today.

I often find Maximalism, at it's highest point, hard to follow when I'm reading a story. I want to know the point. I want to know what the author is trying to say, and am usually less concerned with the details of how the scene looked. I guess I think my imagination can do that for me. I don't need you to tell me what color her dress was. What matters more to me is the emotions she was portraying and why. What happened? And what did she do about it?

Strange that I think this way, though, because I am bound by the idea that in order for me to write a book that would be accepted well, I would need to write more from a Maximal standpoint. I don't add a lot of details. The few times that I have tried to write fiction, the most feedback I get is about my lack of details.

Maybe a book that I write would be well received. I will never know unless I try it.

Is your writing style described more as minimalism or maximalism?

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