Little girl and I had a movie date last night. We cuddled up to watch The Prince of Egypt and eat ice cream. It's the story of Moses, described as "An Egyptian prince learns of his identity as a Hebrew and, later his destiny to become the chosen deliverer of his people." on IMDB.
When I think of Moses, I think of greatness. He was obedient to God's calling to free the people from slavery. Well, there is so much more to it than that. I know that he was raised as an Egyptian. I know all of the facts in my head, but I was reminded to put myself in his shoes to feel it in my heart when I saw this movie again.
He had just found out that the only family he knew wasn't really his family. He started having conflicting feelings about the treatment of the slaves as he started identifying himself with the Hebrew nation. He killed a man, an Egyptian man. After killing the man he ran away. Then God tells him, through a burning bush, to go back to Egypt to free the people. My brain would probably explode into a jumbled mess.
Wait, God, you want me to do what?! Um, I killed a man. I will be punished for murder. And how am I supposed to go back there and tell my family to free the people that I once governed over?
I tried to put myself in Moses' shoes and think about how I would feel. What if I had to go to my sister or my boss or the government and tell them to do something or stop doing something that was completely against everything that they had always done their whole life. Severed relationships, humiliation, possible punishment and so many other fears and consequences for this decision. Moses saw innocent children and families suffering through plagues. Families that he knew. People he grew up with were covered in boils and yet he remained faithful to continue pursuing the freedom of the Hebrews. Because God said He would be with Moses.
That is the thing that caught my attention and really got me thinking about all of this.
He would be with Moses. And Moses was obedient.
I have never been asked to do something as crazy has free an entire people from slavery. I mean, yes I am commanded in the Bible to share His name through the nations, but I have never had a clear voice telling me that I had to specifically go to Egypt or Africa and have a specific role. Yet, I have Christ in me. I don't just have a promise that God will be with me, but I have His very presence in me all the time. Moses was obedient even though He had never had an encounter with God like that before. That's craziness! An awesome sort of craziness...
God has been gracious enough to reveal Himself to me and speak to me on a daily basis, and yet I still have negotiations with God about what/how/when I'm going to do things instead of just saying "YES Lord" and being obedient.
It's humbling. It's eye opening. It's exciting.
It makes me think...
Is there something immobilizing me from specific tasks? Like lack of faith or wrong priorities?
Am I expecting God to approach me through a burning bush instead of listening to His still small voice?
God, I am not enough, but You are. Forgive me for my over analytical mindset and purify my heart to be filled with only You.
Here I am, Lord, send me.
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