Have you ever wanted to fast forward time without missing the memories that you would make in between where you are and where you want to be? I certainly have. The most memorable moment recently was my engagement before saying "i do", and before that it was waiting to be engaged, and before that it was waiting to see if Jacob really liked me, and before that....so many things.
I really dislike the waiting. It's an awkward thing to be in between stages, however necessary the transition. The training, processing, planning, waiting, fasting, praying, hoping, great mysterious in between. So much can happen during this time, and it looks different to every person.
You are waiting for a job to pay your bills.
You are waiting for test results.
You are waiting for a jury's verdict.
You are waiting for two lines to light up on the pregnancy test.
You are waiting on an important phone call.
You are waiting on your solider to come home.
You are waiting for your baby to fall back asleep in the middle of the night.
The waiting will show you the condition of your heart.
And that is what really matters.
Amen. And I've found that when I try to rush, I look back and miss that I didn't cherish those moments....at least the moments of having a baby and hoping for sleep ;)