Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Round one, done!

Instead of starting this post off with something I'm not, since I'm doing a negativity fast that I will write about soon, I will start it with something that I am great at. I am great at finding solutions. If I don't know the answer, I will find it for you. 

It's actually my job. Almost all day, I am researching items for clients who want whatever it is cheaper than everyone else and delivered yesterday morning. Often, I don't even know what those items are. I get pictures of things sent to my email or an incredibly helpful description like "red suits". What kind of red suits? What brand of red suits? How many red suits? What size red suits? I don't know, and sometimes neither does the person ordering. But if I have to spend all day hanging out on Google with a phone attached to my ear calling vendors, I will find you your red suits. It's just what I do. 

Not only is it my job, but it's part of my personality. I like to solve problems. I like to cross things off my list. I like to be productive. So many people told me that I would be so grateful when the wedding was over so that my life would slow down. Sure there were parts of wedding planning that were a headache, but I really miss it. The busyness and hustle, coordinating events and people- I loved it all. 

I have been back in my element lately with all of the things that I need to do to get ready for my trip to the DR. On top of all of the requirements for ATS and my normal life, I now have to get Jacob and I ready to go out of the country for 10 days. This includes preparing Sweetness for the longest period of time I will go without her. (I'm sure there will be a separate blog post on that at some point.)

One of the things on the list that didn't get crossed off was applying for my passport. I only made it out of the office long enough to bring food back for me and my starving boss at 3:00pm. Today was hectic. Even though that did not get crossed off the list, a few other things did. One of the things that I am most proud of is addressing my first batch of envelopes for my newsletters. Hopefully I will be able to get more resources tonight to send a second batch out tomorrow. The thought about writing out my return address so many times made me cringe a little, so I made return address labels with the cutest "G" on them. 

 My brother in law makes fun of me often for how many G's I have in my home. I have a burlap G on a shelf, G's on my hand towels in the guest bathroom, and a glass vase that my sister gave me that has a burlap wrap around it with an embroidered G. Not that many...right? How can a "G" be cute, you ask? My "G" is most beloved because it means that I am a part of a new family. I am officially a Garza, and that is something that I will always be excited about. 

I really had a blast making these labels and putting them on the envelopes. I hope that all of the newsletters get to where they need to go and that seeing that G will put a smile on the recipient's faces like it did mine. 

Round one, done. Round two, in progress. 
But right now, I'm ringing the 5 o'clock bell and heading to watch two of the cutest little boys for a dear friend. 
5 o'clock never felt so good as it does right now.  

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