Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Slow Down and Listen

We live in a society obsessed with being happy. And not only happy but we have this strange addiction to instant gratification. 
Headache? Take medicine.
Backache? Take medicine.
Hungry? Eat what's quickest. 

What if our headache was just our brain telling us that we are starting to get dehydrated and we need more water? 

What if our back is hurting because we need to have better posture or stop doing a certain activity?

When we are hungry, it's our body's way of telling us we need more energy to keep propelling this miracle of a carcass. If we load it with junk, it will keep working but not very well. 

We don't pour gasoline and mud in our car when it needs more fuel, we give it exactly what it needs. 

We are the jerks on the playground being mean to our bodies and then getting mad that they don't want to play anymore. Let's stop feeding our bodies junk and chemicals!

*disclaimer- I know there are real conditions that require medicine. I am not in any way medically qualified to tell you to stop taking your medication. Consult your doctor.*

*disclaimer #2- I have some really amazing friends who are doctors or are in school to become doctors and they are wonderful, honest, hardworking, noble people who I know are going to change the world. Exempt of those few, it's fact that the medical field makes money when you are sick. Take your doctor's advice, but do some research on your own and get second and third opinions from other trusted physicians. This is your health and you don't want to gamble with it.*

In this fast-paced society, we have to slow down. We need to think before we speak. We need to peel our faces from electronics and experience the world around us. God made our bodies unique, amazing, miraculous little vessels. It is our job to take care of them and ultimately let them do what they were designed to do. Our goal on this earth is not to be the skinniest or even the most fit, but we have to take the time to take care of our body, mind, and spirit. They all work beautifully together. If one suffers all suffer. 

Food is fuel for the body. 
Prayer is fuel for the spirit. 

Stay connected to what your body is telling you. Listen to it's cues. Be more in tune with why your body is acting the way that it is and cut to the root of the issue. It doesn't do any good to scrape at the surface if there is a deeper problem. 

Stay connected to what your spirit is telling you. Listen to His voice. He will guide you. Be more in tune with His cues. Open up to vulnerability among friends. Take time to pray and just listen. Following those promptings might be a little scary but it's so so so worth it. 

Be in tune. 
Listen to the incredible world around you. 
Everything exists to bring Him glory. 
And we get to be a part of that. 

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