Monday, September 9, 2013

It's time to fight

In Psalm 35, David is crying out to God to help him fight his battles. He is crying out for God to save him and rise up against those who want to take his life. This is serious business. His life and the lives of those he cares about are at stake. He goes on and on asking God to ensnare his enemy and defeat them.

My thoughts are this:

#1- I think we would be just like David crying out for help if our actual livelihood was in jeopardy. In fact, I know we would. During the terrorist attack on 9/11, how many people gathered for prayer? How many people cried out to God for mercy, comfort and rescue? We did just as David did. But what about now, on a daily basis? Do we not realize that there is a battle, waging war every day for the victory of our hearts and minds? We need to desperately be praying for His Spirit to draw us near to Him at every moment.

If you aren't being transformed by God, you are being influenced by the world. Wake up from your sleep and realize the war that surrounds you.

#2- Love your enemies, yes. But DO NOT take defeat from them. This is a point I never understood before. I understood that I was to love everyone as Jesus loves them. But that does NOT mean to lie down like a doormat and let the enemy trample all over us. My response should not be retreat at the first sign of battle. That is not loving your enemy, that is fearing them. Retreat is giving them the power to refuel the fear to continue infecting me. I surrender to no one but THE one and only great and mighty God, the Creator of the Universe, my Maker and Sustainer. Love my enemy, yes. Love them as beggars that need everlasting water. Answer their battle cries with love and kindness, but don't back down. We are to be the image of Christ to them. And how blasphemous for us to just give up or succumb to defeat? That is NOT a picture of Christ at all! I used to do it all the time and say "it's God's will" or "God is in control". Yes, God is in control but he empowers US to BE His hands and feet, not just sit idly while the enemy tears apart our relationships and lives. We already have the victory.

In this generation, the battle is not typically for our actual lives. We aren't under much open persecution where our life and freedom are imposed on. The battle is for our minds and our loyalty. In order for us to really get this, it has to be a priority. We get comfortable in our world and forget our need for the Savior. The battle has already been waged whether we like it or not. It is ok to fight. Not for the sake of self-satisfaction, pride or defeat, but for the sake of conversion, peace for all people and extending God's offer for eternal life. Our job is to show the world who Christ is.

Psalm 35:8-9
"Let destruction come upon him (the enemy) when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; Let him fall into it - to his destruction! Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord, exulting His salvation."

Fight the enemy.
Stand up for righteousness!
Do everything with love. The enemy comes to steal and destroy, but when we hit those obstacles we have an opportunity to turn it around for good. This is our part in the battle!
Love is the motivation.
Love God and you will love people.

1 comment:

  1. All I know is that I love you Kayla. You are such an amazing woman. I am so proud of you. ~Elissa
