Sunday, September 22, 2013


Facts/Happenings I from this weekend:

Dog poop is even more gross after you haven't had a dog in a while.
It is so easy to envy what others have if you are not reminded of what is important on a regular basis.
The sweetness wants to paint or draw every day all day.
Deception can come from trusted sources as easily as it can come from strangers or enemies.
I think that almost everything the sweetness does is adorable.
I get ridiculous enjoyment when movies have the character singing their own theme or background music.
Christine Cain is wonderful and hilarious.
My brain is most likely going to explode due to information overload from this morning. And I'm OK with that.
I found out I love sleeping more than I previously thought.
I get overwhelmed more easily when my home isn't organized and clean.
My favorite color is blue but I always choose green and brown when thinking how to decorate my home. Weird.
I'm getting irritated with lack of physical results from my diet and exercise change. I heart Braveheart. Seriously. Favorite.
I hate vacuuming and doing dishes but I don't want to break child labor laws so I have to do them.
I have the best friends in the whole world.
I love spicy food and am angry I can't really eat it any more.

God wants willingness and obedience more than talent and gifts. There is a time gap between the anointing and the appointing. I have to be in love with the process more than the prophecy.

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