Monday, January 4, 2016

"There you go, lovely."

Snooze alarm.
What am I doing? I never snooze my alarm.
Snooze alarm again.
Get out of bed, seriously.
Snooze alarm again.
Okay, this time I'm going to just turn it off and get up.
Get up to let the dog out.
I should have put on a jacket. It's freezing out here.
Feed the dog.
How bland. At least we feed her steak every now and then.
Wake up the sleepy Sweetness and get her ready.
She's so warm and cuddly; I could just stay in bed with her all day.
Kiss the handsome Hubs good bye and get in the car.
Where is an ice scraper when I need one? Also, I wish it was this cold on Christmas.
Stop to get gas.
Why is she screaming in the car? Oh, she wants to play peekaboo.
Play peekaboo while strangers stare at me like I'm insane.
Drop peekaboo Sweetness off to school.
She didn't even really say goobye.
Place my mobile order for Starbucks.
I love this. I love this app. I love espresso. 
While driving, think about my Monday to-do list that turns into thoughts about my entire life to-do list.
There is so much I need to be doing better.
Walk in and request my order.
"There you go, lovely." he says.

And any failure I was thinking of was gone.
It was such a simple gesture that made a world of a difference.

Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

What you say matters. Can you think of someone to bless with kindness today?

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