Friday, January 8, 2016

Is there anything else you want to know?

I am daughter, technically the youngest and the second youngest. I am sister, cousin, friend. I am wife, mother. I am housekeeper, dog belly scratcher. I am driver, office manager, administrator. I am sunday school teacher, lover of small squishy faces and the coos that tiny angels make. I am sometimes called baby whisperer, but I am always just trying to comfort. I am more of a do-er than a be-er. I am logical, planned, comfortable with boxes. I am outgoing, friendly, open, conversational. I am a big fan of long, slow, deep breaths. In. And. Out. I am a little knowledgeable and a lot curious. I am strong, sort of. I am a documenter, thinker. I am an abstract art lover, but also a minimalist. I am contradictory in personality to some, but perfectly designed by One.

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