Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thankful Thursdays: My Space

My space.
I spend more time here than I do sleeping.
It is such a comfortable space that I enjoy coming here.
I love the people that I have to interact with on a daily basis.
It is a flexible space that I can leave if I have an emergency with my daughter.
It is a place close to home, a new home close to the water that I love.
Enjoying the place that I HAVE to be in order to make money and provide for my family?
That is a priceless gift.

I have some thoughts brewing in me about this whole introvert vs extrovert battle that has surfaced lately, but they are not anywhere near developed to express. So this post is probably a bit annoying to you introverts out there...I apologize. Just for you, I will ask this question - What is YOUR space? Where do you spend the most time? Do you love your space?

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