Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just shut up

Yet again, another day of swimming thoughts. I read through some of Hebrews this morning and it just hurts my brain. I don't know if my brain is doing what it's supposed to do and processing new information or if it is just being a pain in the butt and trying to overanalyze the information. It's an intriguing battle of the brain, I must say. So instead of running to (who I consider to be my mentor even though she may not realize it), I took the advice that I knew she would give me anyway and asked God. I asked Him and talked to Him and asked Him again. And I talked and talked and asked questions and reasoned and talked some more.

How embarrassing to admit this. UGH. But I have to be honest.

A conversation has to have two sides. Yes, ask Him. Yes, talk to Him. But if you want to get an answer you have to actually shut up long enough to hear Him speak and feel Him move.

I don't have an answer yet. But I will try to listen today. And the next day and the day after. And even if He doesn't give me the answer to this question, I will continue to ask Him questions. Why? Because I know He will reveal to me what I NEED to know and will always supply the understanding and grace to accept it. Because He is good.

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